26 January was a tragic day as the world woke up to the devastating news of the passing of Kobe Bryant in a helicopter crash. His 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, who shared his enthusiasm and talent for sports was in the same crash and was killed along with 7 others.
The small group was travelling in Kobe’s private chopper.
Now, in an old interview that has resurfaced after his tragic passing, Kobe can be seen explaining why he frequently travelled in helicopters.
The NBA star revealed that he favoured the chopper to spend more time with his family. He explained that taking the helicopter for his commute allowed him to “focus on the craft, but still not compromise family time”. He added that because of long traffic jams in Los Angeles, he had missed out on a couple of school plays. “I was missing school plays because I was sitting in traffic.”
Also Read: 2012 Tweet Predicting Kobe Bryant’s Death In Helicopter Crash Goes Viral
Kobe said he wanted to focus on his craft but still not compromise on his family time. “So that’s when I looked into helicopters.”
The story behind why Kobe used a private helicopter in and around Los Angeles...🖤💔🏀🌎🖤 pic.twitter.com/f77OM6CtT8
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 27, 2020
With his chopper, he could “get down and back” in 15 minutes.
The ex-players’ dedication to his family is overwhelming.
Kobe Bryant is survived by his wife Vanessa and three other daughters-- Natalia, 17, Bianka, 3, and 7-month-old Capri.