California Governor Issues State-Wide Stay At Home

Publish On: 20 Mar, 2020 10:04 AM | Updated   |   Shivalik  

California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered for a state-wide stay-at-home in response to the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus across the United States.

Taking to Twitter on Thursday night, Newsom asked all nearly 40 million Californians to remain home unless it had been absolutely necessary to go out, reports Xinhua press agency.

"Those that work in critical sectors should go to work. Grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and more will stay open," he tweeted.

"We need to meet this moment and flatten the curve together."

Newsom's order is in immediate effect until further notice. 

There are over 1,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and 19 deaths in California thus far.

The Governor's announcement came shortly after the L.A. County ordered people to remain at home apart from essential needs or jobs and for indoor shopping malls and non-essential retail to shut, consistent with the US media.

San Francisco and surrounding counties had previously issued orders to remain inside to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

According to the newest update by Johns Hopkins University, there are currently quite 13,000 confirmed cases with 176 deaths within the US.