The brand new instalment in the Disney franchise of Frozen, known as Frozen 2, has crossed the $ 1 billion mark on the box office at a global level. Directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, Frozen 2 is the 6th Disney produced release to have achieved this and overall 8th film of 2019 to cross $ 1 Billion. As per the survey, the film earned $ 366.5 million in the United States and $ 666 million globally and has made a total of $ 1032 billion till date.
The movie brings back the audience to the land of Arendelle where sisters Anna and Elsa are on a journey to discover love and acceptance while fighting to save their kingdom. While Elsa struggles with her icy superpowers and being different from others, Anna tries to strengthen her bond with her sister. Frozen 2 features leads Anna and Elsa on their individual quests, trying to discover the past and trying to make sense of the present.
The film released in India on 22nd November, 2019 in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telegu.
Back in the year 2013, the first film ‘Frozen’ won the title of top grossing animated film of all time with a global earning of $ 1.28 billion, earning an Oscar for ‘Best Animated Feature.’
The countries where the sequel has done the most business in are China ($ 111.5 million), South Korea ($85.4 million), Japan ($ 67.3 million), U.K. ($ 49.6 million), Germany($ 39.9 million) and France ($ 37 million).
Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad and Santino Fontana, Evan Rachel Wood and Sterling K. Brown star as the voice cast in the film.
In the year 2019, other films to have been a part of the 1 billion global club are Avengers: Endgame ($ 2.79 billion), The Lion King ($ 1.65 billion), Spiderman: Far From Home ($ 1.31 million), Captain Marvel ($ 1.21 million), Toy Story 4 ($ 1.07 billion), Joker ($ 1.06 billion) and Aladdin ($ 1.05 billion). All the films within this list except for Sony Entertainment’s Spiderman and DC Comic’s Joker come under the banner of Disney.