Ed Sheeran Doesn't Have a Phone And We Must Follow Suit

Publish On: 02 Dec, 2019 12:25 PM | Updated   |   Sj Desk  

It is the 21st century- where the earth revolves around the sun and our lives revolve around technology. Today our heads are hung...not in shame but because of that funny meme we are gazing at on our mobile screens. When most of us can't even imagine a world without our phones, singer Ed Sheeran has ditched his and can only be contacted via e-mail.

The 'Shape of You' singer had decided to quit his electronic devices and social media sites back in 2015 when he took a year-long break from the spotlight to "travel the world". In 2017, talking about his decision to get rid of his phone Sheeran said, "I bought an iPad, and then I just work off of e-mail, and it's so much less stress. I don't wake up in the morning and have to answer 50 messages of people asking for stuff. It's just like, I wake up and have a cup of tea."

This is a remarkable feat to pull off given how that little device in our hands contains an entire world, albeit virtual, of entertainment, knowledge, fashion, memes, DIY's, Hollywood, Bollywood and people chewing food loudly in front of a microphone in what is called an 'ASMR' video. 

Ed Sheeran, who has social anxiety also revealed that he has cut down his friendship group to just 4 people. Speaking on his YouTube channel, Sheeran said:

"It creeps up on you. I've been working on it for eight years and I closed off from reality. Whether it's getting rid of your phone or only looking at e-mails twice a day. Or cutting down my friendship group to the bare minimum just so I can trust everyone. I let people in from a, 'Let's hang out place'. There is letting in and then there is letting in."

Also Read: The Hound From GOT Reveals He Was Homeless Before The Show

 Sheeran also appeared on The Ellen Show where he talks about why he threw away his cell phone. 


Studies have linked anxiety to social media and even if ditching your cell phone seems like an impossible thing, you can start out by a 'digital cleanse' where every day, for a few hours, you swear off social media and your cell phone. What are a few hours without our mobiles if there is a chance for peace and mental health. We must take a page out of Sheeran's book and make it our New Year's resolution.