Mumbai: There is love in the air inside the Bigg Boss 13 House with contestants showing a bunch of emotions for each other. While there have been a flow of emotions among the contestants. While Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma confessed their feelings for each other, Rashami Desai and Arhaan Khan too shed tears apologising to each other.
The two lovebirds of Bigg Boss House Rashami Desai and Arhaan Khan were spotted crying in the recent episode. The couple was shown in the bathroom area trying to clarify things. Talking to Rashami, Arhaan started crying and apologised to her. Rashami too apologised to him and began crying. Rashami apologised to Arhaan saying, "I am not the only one responsible. Thank you, for a lot of things. No other boy would have done this.”
The episode also saw Mahira Sharma giving a surprise to Paras as she announced her feelings for him and planted a kiss on his cheeks.
There is someone who got jealous of Paras and Mahira getting close. Shehnaz tried ignoring Mahira and when the latter realised, she got furious and yelled at Paras that she should not be blamed for creating a love triangle. Mahira also bursted out at Shehnaz. The fight between the two ladies took an unexpected turn when Mahira spoke all her feelings of fondness for Paras which she was avoiding till now.