GATE 2020: Admit Cards To Release Today, Check Here For Details

Publish On: 03 Jan, 2020 05:39 PM | Updated   |   Arnima  

New Delhi: The hall ticket for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, GATE 2020 will be released on Friday for candidates who will appear in the examination to be held on February 1, 2, 8 and 9.

All those candidates whose applications have been accepted will be able to download the admit card of GATE 2020 and will have to take a printout of the same and bring it to the examination hall along with the valid photo identity proof.

Admit cards could be downloaded through the official website of GATE 2020 . Candidates would open the website and have to click on the 'download admit card' link after which day will have to enter the registration number and roll number. Their hall ticket will appear on the screen. Candidates should be able to download it and then would be taking out a print out for further reference.

Duration for GATE 2020 examination papers will be three hours and they would consist of 65 questions for a total of 100 marks. Questions will be objective type in nature and each question will have a choice of 4 answers. Candidates will have to select and mark the one correct answer. The questions either will be of one or two marks and for the wrong answer, one-third of allotted marks will be deducted.


The GATE 2020 results will be announced on March 16, 2020, and the result would be valid for 3 years so those who clear the exam will not only be eligible to apply for admission at IITs for MTech courses but also they will be eligible to apply for jobs in the government sectors for leading PSUs.


It is worth mentioning that a total of 8.60 lakh candidates have applied for the entrance exam, which is less than the and number of candidates applying in 2019. The number then was 9.27 lacs. 

The conventional courses were not preferred by the candidates as much as expected. Most applications flew in the Mechanical Engineering with 1,71,432 candidates applying for the same, while the least number of registrations were seen in Ecology and Evolution with only 1,750 applications. The newly introduced Biomedical Engineering exam saw a total of 2,229 applications applied by the candidates. 

Talking in terms of gender males swept this year also with 5,81,509 applications while females applicants were 2,78,469 this year. The number of applications from the transgender category also increased with 52 from the third gender applying for the exam in 2020.